Sunday, October 9, 2011

National Novel Writing Month 2011

National Novel Writing Month 2011 is fast approaching and I have figured out that this year it's all about mobility and aroma therapy. I just bought a beautifully soothing blue starfish hurricane lamp from my new friends at I also picked up a bluetooth keyboard and mouse for turning my big screen TV into a computer monitor and for use with writing on my ipad. I have purchased an extra phone battery and have installed Evernote on all my devices so that I am ready to add to my word count at any time no matter where I happen to be.

Last year I missed my goal of 50,000 words for my 7th year in a row due to lack of proper planning and a less than adequate supply of migraine remedies. This year I am ready. I have a stack of lavender piller candles for my new hurricane lamp as well as plenty of lavender incense and oil. I will lavender my way through this year! This coupled with my newfound ability to pad my word count from anywhere at any time is just as much a harbinger of success as writing actual words. At least this is what I am telling myself three weeks before the commencement of National Novel Writing Month 2011.