Sunday, October 24, 2010

8 Days Until National Novel Writing Month

Eight more days until the official start of National Novel Writing Month ( I have spent all day at Twitter #NaNoWriMo instead of doing my outline, sketching characters and plotting my story. I still have not done my laundry and my dogs are looking at me, eyes dewy with neglect.

I suppose I will have to get on the stick in a big way as I am also behind on a research paper for my film class. I think this is the great thing about NaNoWriMo is the chaos and the uncertainty and that feeling of dread that it can't possibly be done. There's nothing that galvanizes so much as a challenge.

While the laundry is spinning I will be working on my character list, scene cards and outline. Eight more days until the great challenge begins. Even if I am not prepared I will be ready!

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