Friday, October 29, 2010

It was the Friday Before NaNoWriMo...

Yep. Panic is starting to set in. My hands are beginning to shake and I can feel the distant echo of an encroaching pain…a stress headache just a few hours away. I can feel it coming and still I do not have my main characters, supporting players or basic plot for National Novel Writing Month ( Perhaps I will find inspiration at Sunday’s kick-off at the Barnes & Noble in Smyrna where I will meet some of my fellow NaNoWriMos.
Does anyone know if pepto bismal works on unadulterated panic?
The last time I was “in the zone”, that quiet tunnel of perfect concentration where I am lost in the moment and my muse whispers feverishly in my ear, I had a clear picture of my inciting incident and the setting where my yarn will take place. I have recently been derailed by the twin responsibilities of work and school, not to mention that viral video of the time traveling lady in the Charlie Chaplin video. I am convinced that this is not a hearing aid because she is actually talking into the device and no one else appears to be listening to her.
But I digress. Even though I have a 10-page research paper due Monday, 123 pages to read for my new history class beginning on Tuesday, I am oddly confident that I will begin NaNoWriMo on Monday in a great place…at least able to pull off my first 1,667 words.
For those of you about to NaNoWriMo, I salute you!

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