Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day Two of NaNoWriMo and all is (relatively) Well!

Today is Day Two of the 30-day endurance test of National Novel Writing Month (www.nanowrimo.org). After preparing so well with my character cards, note cards with 35 scenes mapped out and my outline I was so sure it would be a lock. Day 1 had me writing 1,741 words in just over an hour. I was riding high on my own brilliance. I felt like I could take on the world. I was wrong.
Enter last night. I’m exhausted from getting up at 4:45AM, I’ve just finished slogging through 35 pages of reading for my History class and at 10:30PM I was almost in a rage because my dogs refused to do their business. I’m outside in my robe begging them to just do it already so I could get to bed and do it all over again, but the dogs just wanted to play.
Once I got in bed it hit me – the terrible thought that I just cannot do this. It is too much. My life is too busy, my health won’t stand it, I don’t have the creative juice or the physical wherewithal to get it done. But this morning, when I woke up 6AM – an hour late for my writing time, there was a fire inside of me that had not died out overnight – it had merely banked itself until I could get some decent sleep. I woke up rarin’ to go and here I am on Day 2 having met my daily goal with some words to spare (1,784 and counting).
I’m exhausted, I’m hungry and I’m mean…but I am still eager to do this thing!

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